

POSTED IN Music February 1, 2019


Don’t (don’t)
Don’t (don’t)
That’s what you say
Each time that I hold you this way
When I feel like this and I wanna kiss you
Baby, don’t say don’t
Don’t (don’t)
Don’t (don’t)
Leave my embrace
For here in my arms is your place
When the night grows cold and I wanna hold you
Baby, don’t say don’t
(Don’t, don’t, don’t)
(Don’t, don’t, don’t)
If you think that this is just a game I’m playing
If you think that I don’t mean every word I’m saying
Don’t (don’t)
Don’t (don’t)
Don’t feel that way
I’m your love and yours I will stay
This you can believe
I will never leave you
Heaven knows I won’t (don’t)
Baby don’t say don’t (don’t)
Baby don’t say don’t (don’t)

Zoe Kravitz

07 zgłoś się przed nocą i mgłą

POSTED IN Music January 29, 2019

07 zgłoś się przed nocą i mgłą


Jazz may be dying but not on my watch…


Vintage print

Przed nocą i mgłą

POSTED IN Music January 29, 2019

Przed nocą i mgłą


Przed nocą i mgłą osłoń mnie,
Zabierz z serca samotność,
Cień, co tam legł.
Wytarguj od gwiazd ten czas, mój czas!
Co zanim się stał – zbiegł.

Zapal ogień we mgle,
Niech nie zgasi go wiatr,
Tyle dróg plącze się,
Zły jest świat.
Na spotkanie mi wyjdź
I zawołaj przez mgłę,
Że to Ty…

Przed nocą i mgłą osłoń mnie,
W ciepłej łodzi twych ramion,
Chcę płynąć w rejs.
Ze szczęścia Ty wiesz i ja chcę mieć,
Maleńką jak łza – część.

Przed nocą i mgłą osłoń mnie,
Zabierz z serca samotność,
Cień, co tam legł.
Wytarguj od gwiazd ten czas, mój czas!
Co zanim się stał – zbiegł.

Alicja Majewska

Joulupuu on rakennettu

POSTED IN Music December 24, 2018

Joulupuu on rakennettu

1. Joulupuu on rakennettu:
joulu on jo ovella;
namusia ripustettu
ompi kuusen oksilla.

2. Kuusen pienet kynttiläiset
valaisevat kauniisti;
ympärillä lapsukaiset
laulelevat sulosti.

3. Kiitos sulle Jeesuksemme
kallis Vapahtajamme,
kun sä tulit vieraaksemme,
paras joululahjamme.

4. Tullessasi toit sä valon,
lahjat runsaat, rikkahat;
autuuden ja anteeksannon
kaikki taivaan tavarat.

5. Anna, Jeesus, henkes hyvän
meidän sydämihimme
viritellä uskon valon!
Siunaa, Jeesus, joulumme!


Vintage Print

Copilule cu ochi senini

POSTED IN Music December 18, 2018

Copilule cu ochi senini

Copilule cu ochi senini
Tu vii din nou printre străini
În peşteră pe paie reci
Tu iarăşi capul ţi-l apleci

Dar astăzi magii nu mai vin
Şi nici păstori să-ţi cânte lin
Copilule cu ochi senini
Tu iarăşi vii printre străini

Copil, copil, copil sărman
Tu vii în fiecare an
Cu bine răul să-l plăteşti
Să rabzi să ierţi şi să iubeşti

Copil, copil sărman copil
Tu vii în fiecare an
De atâta vreme tu petreci
La uşa inimilor reci

Bătând mereu aprins de dor
La uşi închise cu zăvor
Dar nimeni nu ţi-a mai deschis
Copilule cu ochi senini.

Merry Christmas

Last Christmas

POSTED IN Music December 15, 2018

Last Christmas

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me, baby
Do you recognize me?
Well, it’s been a year
It doesn’t surprise me
(Merry Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying, “I love you, ” I meant it
Now, I know what a fool I’ve been
But if you kissed me now
I know you’d fool me again
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
I’m hiding from you, and your soul of ice
My god, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore me apart
Now, I’ve found a real love you’ll never fool me again
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I’ll give it to someone special
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover but you tore him apart
Maybe next year I’ll give it to someone
I’ll give it to someone special.


Elderly woman

POSTED IN Music December 5, 2018

Elderly woman


I seem to recognize your face
Haunting, familiar yet
I can’t seem to place it
Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name
Lifetimes are catching up with me
All these changes taking place
I wish I’d seen the place
But no one’s ever taken me
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
I swear, I recognize your breath
Memories like fingerprints are slowly raising
Me, you wouldn’t recall for I’m not my former
It’s hard when you’re stuck upon the shelf
I changed by not changing at all
Small town predicts my fate
Perhaps that’s what no one wants to see
I just want to scream hello
My God it’s been so long
Never dreamed you’d return
But now here you are and here I am
Hearts and thoughts they fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away
Hearts and thoughts they fade.

Pearl Jam

Romania 100!

POSTED IN Music December 1, 2018

Romania 100

Bat clopote cantand reintregirea
Si sufletul ia foc in clopotari
Intai decembrie ne e unirea
Si stralucirea Romaniei Mari
Mihai Viteazul intra-n catedrala
Si are harta Daciei in maini
Intr-insul Burebista se rascoala
Si-apoi pe vatra lui se nasc romani

R: Cat flamura ros-galbena-albastra
Ne este prag si steag si ideal
Veniti romani, veniti la Mecca noastra
Veniti la Alba Iulia-n Ardeal

2. Si iar incepe clopotul sa bata
Si sangereaza sutele de ani
In osul natiei se-aude-o roata
Muscand din Horea, Closca si Crisan
Si iar la Alba Iulia ni-i flancul
Pe care ardem si ne batem toti
Cand dinspre Apuseni rasare Iancu
Ca un Isus Cristos cu chip de mot

3. Dar e un an care nicicand nu trece
Un an pe care-n veci il vom dori
O mie noua sute optsprezece
Al nostru an de fiecare zi
Ne fie el de-a pururea an-noul
In lupta cu problemele de azi
Cantam din Alba Iulia eroul
Pe reintregitorul cel viteaz


Adrian Paunescu

I wish you love

POSTED IN Music November 25, 2018

I wish you love

Goodbye, no use leading with our chins
This is where our story ends
Never lovers, ever friends
Goodbye, let our hearts call it a day
But before you walk away
I sincerely want to say
I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss, but more than this
I wish you love
And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health
But more than wealth
I wish you love
My breaking heart and i agree
That you and i could never be
So with my best
My very best
I set you free
I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love
But most of all when snowflakes fall
I wish you love
I wish you love
I wish you love, love, love, love, love
I wish you love.

Nancy Wilson

Cold War

POSTED IN Music November 3, 2018

Cold War

Dwa serduszka cztery oczy, oj, joj, oj
Co płakały we dnie w nocy, oj joj, oj

Siwe oczka co płaczecie
Że się spotkać nie możecie
Że się spotkać nie możenie

Mnie mantula zakazała, oj..
Żebym chłopca nie kochała, oj..

A ja chłopca łap, za szyję
Będę kochać póki żyję,
Będę kochać póki żyję,

Pawel Pawlikoski
