October, 2013

A son livre

POSTED IN classic poetry October 12, 2013




A son livre

Mon livre (et je ne suis sur ton aise envieux),
Tu t’en iras sans moi voir la Cour de mon Prince.
Hé, chétif que je suis, combien en gré je prinsse
Qu’un heur pareil au tien fût permis à mes yeux ?

Là si quelqu’un vers toi se montre gracieux,
Souhaite-lui qu’il vive heureux en sa province :
Mais si quelque malin obliquement te pince,
Souhaite-lui tes pleurs et mon mal ennuyeux.

Souhaite-lui encor qu’il fasse un long voyage,
Et bien qu’il ait de vue éloigné son ménage,
Que son coeur, où qu’il voise, y soit toujours présent :

Souhaite qu’il vieillisse en longue servitude,
Qu’il n’éprouve à la fin que toute ingratitude,
Et qu’on mange son bien pendant qu’il est absent.






Joachim du Bellay

Like David and Goliath

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 12, 2013


Like David and Goliath

I watched a tiny spider catch
a hornet in it’s web,in surprise
thought a spider will not match
the hornet’s strength and size.

It buzzed and buzzed alarmingly
was caught fast by one front leg
the spider rather industriously
spun silk as a gossamer peg.

despite the hornet’s struggle
that silken thread held fast
till with feeble flap and wriggle
the trapped hornet died at last.

Next day I espied with sadness
that hornet, although now dead,
did kill it’s foe while in distress
spider hangs from hornet’s head.







Gael Bage


POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 12, 2013




I didn’t write a poem
it was merely a comment
passions plea, not a tome
truly not written to vent

I see the lack of equity
and desire for conformity
no room for self mastery
in a disconnected society

Rulers mould and control
but coercion births anarchy
I ask for good of the whole
and respect for community  

You read a poet’s spirit
her answer is self-control
she sees diversity’s merit
the sovereignty of each soul






Gael Bage


POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 11, 2013






One thought in mind for you to find
One promise made, one sigh delayed
One wish to make, one vow to take
a dream descending…

One heart, one soul in your control
One thought in prayer to keep you here
One life to live, one love to give
a dream ascending…

A search complete, two hearts, one beat
A journey done, two souls now one
A dream unending…





Wanda Kiel-Rapana

Cease to Dream – Cease to Be

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 7, 2013



Cease to Dream – Cease to Be

A seed crystal, the girl’s love is a joyful
sentiment of the heart, an instinct of two bodies
that meet in bliss. She grows becomes

a warrior woman, fights that which destroys
burgeoning life, she strives for clarity, for healing
to illumine her own internal dawn.

she rises as matriarch, reaps the rewards
of a sustained effort in all the creations
of her life. Sometimes she touches

wisdom, it slithers from her fingers
in the busyness that fills life. She grows
older, discovers she can hold this

understanding for longer. A grandmother,
she learns to see past hate and suffering
treasures the value of unconditional

love. She sees in others, in all things
the truth of herself. Light in crystalline
waters – the image is returned.

love becomes a transparency, lucid
clairvoyance, as she surrenders herself
she gains clarity, like a crystal. 





Gael Bage

Art of Travel

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 6, 2013
















Art of Travel

When the Rainbow Umbrella Man showed up
Things came to a grinding halt in Mill Valley.
Folks looked on shocked at all the colors.
Some said he hid from the sun
Others, the rain
But he smiled and gave us balloons
That said ‘Better World’ on them
And he told us to fill them with air.
The harder we worked, he said,
The bigger Better World we would have.




D E Navarro

What It Is

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 6, 2013









What It Is

It is what it is because of what it is not
Being what it is not because
Nothing is not what it isn’t
By virtue of what it is.
Notwithstanding that what it isn’t
Is not what defines what it is,
Though what it isn’t is part of the is that it is
Because it is without what it is not,
Therefore being part of what it is, nonetheless
It is still somewhat defined by what it is not—
am I making myself clear?




D E  Navarro


Dark clouds over Salisbury

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 4, 2013









Dark clouds over Salisbury

The sun stayed low all day.
Reddening the clouds.
Blinding me occasionally
as I turned a corner
or window shopping,
caught it’s reflection.
But the sun brought no warmth.
It stayed cold and the slush remained.
Too warm to freeze.
Too cold to melt.
The spire threw wide shadows
down my side of the street.
Dreary and gloomy
like the very world was unhappy,
and knew that I was ready to sell
my dad’s gold chain.

from the volume “Newbury Makar”,2013





John Black


POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 4, 2013












May I never become jaded through the poetry I write
May the words I use be never written purely out of spite
May the seeds of healthy inspiration grow inside my mind
May that inspiration never be too difficult to find
May creative winds blow gently if I stumble in my quest
May the flicker of a sudden thought allow me time to rest
May there be moments woven into rhyming artistry
May the colors and the patterns create written harmony
May I find peace and contentment as each day comes to an end
In this simple little offering I call my poetry friend.






Wanda Kiel-Rapana

Poetry For President

POSTED IN contemporary poetry October 4, 2013
















Poetry For President 

Tell me Mr President, I’d really like to know
How you built a whole campaign from your poetic flow?
Did you feel that strategy would be the way to go?
Did you seek advice from others also in the know?

Tel me Mr President, when you first felt the call
What was your game plan for this political football?
Given there were others more experienced and all
Or did you just know you would not be the one to fall?

Tell me Mr President, after the race was run
There was nothing left to do, nothing was left undone
All the votes were counted and you’d definitely won
Was the deal to gain appeal -“Go hard, but make it fun”?

Oh yes Mr President, before I go away
And leave you in peace to re design the USA
Love your long term vision to keep misery at bay?
“Do the rhyme wins every time”; looks like you’re here to stay!!





Wanda Kiel-Rapana
