Tu să mă ierţi de tot ce mi se-ntâmplă,
Că ochii mei sunt când senini când verzi,
Că port noroi sau port ninsori pe tâmple,
Ai să mă ierţi, altfel ai să mă pierzi.Văd lumea prin lunete măritoare
Şi văd grădini cu arme mari de foc.
Sub mâna mea deja planeta moare,
Şi în urechi am continentul rock.Ai să mă ierţi că sunt labilitate,
Că trec peste extreme fulgerând,
Ai să mă ierţi, preablânda mea, de toate,
Eu sunt nemuritorul tău de rând.Ai să mă ierţi că nu pot fără tine,
Şi dacă n-ai să poţi şi n-ai să poţi,
Mie pierzându-te-mi va fi mai bine,
Eu, tristul cel mai liber dintre toţi.Şi cum se-ntâmplă moartea să le spele
Pe toate, înnobilându-le fictiv,
Ai să te-apleci deasupra morţii mele
Şi tot ai să mă ierţi definitiv.Ai să mă ierţi în fiecare noapte
Şi-am să te mint în fiecare zi,
Şi cât putea-va sufletul să rabde,
Cu cât îţi voi greşi te voi iubi.
Adrian Paunescu
Les nourritures spirituelle
Piano – pianissimo
Liniştea glasului tău,
Liniştea inimii mele,
Liniştea glasului tău
E seara şi cerul cu stele.Refren: Piano-pianissimo…
Spune-mi mai încet ce spui
Şi somul se-anină de geană
Ce n-ai spus oricui!
Piano-pianissimo….Dragostea mea-i un liman
Născând în acorduri finale,
Un nou poem, un roman,
Din şoaptele inimii tale.Piano-pianissimo…
Spune-mi mai încet ce spui
Şi somul se-anină de geană
Ce n-ai spus oricui!
Angela Similea
Layla and MajnunShow me
the most damaged
parts of your soul
and I will show you
how it still shines like gold…
Steaua meaErai intr-o noapte de vara steaua mea
Gandeam atunci pentrut prima oara ca esti a mea
Copilaria a trecut si tu cu ea
Ramai in gandul meu tot steaua meaCredeam pe-atunci in tine si-ai plecat
Nu pot sa cred chiar m-ai uitat
Iubirea noastra-a fost un vis frumos
Intoarce-te mi-e dor de tot ce-a fostCum as putea sa cred vreodata ca stralucirea ta
Si-ar pierde-n noapte urma lasand nelinistea
Sa imi cuprinda visul noptilor tarzii
Cand stau de veghe asteptand sa vii.Mai stau si acum la fereastra privind cerul înalt
Sunt tot mai multe stele care apar si ard
Imi e din ce în ce mai greu sa te zaresc
Nici nu mai stiu daca te mai iubesc.
Gheorghe Gheorghiu
Wondering with the MoonFlaming glowing moon, sleeplessness moon,
Overbearing, foolishness, in the heart of June
Mercilessly you torment my eyelids to falter,
I am hit by your ray like a boat by water.Shining in the Time’s eyes amused in delight,
you watch us from cradle until we depart.
Scared by you, the shy cranes so astounded and shady
they thought you a tender. They thought you a Lady.You yelled at the Night while the timid stars
Were hiding in heaven their tears and scars.
Overdone, your praisings bored you with no wit,
worn-out the Word’s meaning fell in infinite.Do you seak new flattery? New worship to earn?
Try and search on Google, time to be modern!
You will thus create a new identity
To match perfectly with your new eternity.Dead are the lunatics who in the days of yore
at a corner of a street loved you to a roar.
By a wicked spirit in a rush consumed
They distorted your face as cheap poster doomed.No longer a mystery, genuine , unique
You are now cloned by a world virtual and freak
Using grotesque make up, awful Photoshop
they defiled your pure Light, they disgraced your hope.Someone in this phony, ephemeral life
knows that your forgiveness will be like a knife.
Humans of these decades are a tad rough – hewn
They screamed at you last night: “take a selfie, Moon!”Maria Magdalena Biela
Samba MagdalenaCzekalem cala noc na plazy zostal tylko ze mna cien gdy na plazy pojawila sie Magdalena w rytmie samby smieje sie
Magdalena wzrokiem kusi mnie
Magdalena w rytmie samby tanczyc chce
Magdalena gdzie jest teraz gdziewciaz uwierzyc nie chce sam ze jej imie w sercu mam kazdej nocy moje sa usta jej tylko jedna taka znam przystan szczescia w duszy gra dla niej perly z glebin dam Magdalenaaaaa
odeszla noc i sny rozwialy sie jak gesta ranna mgla ostatnia gwiazde gasi lza
jak wiatr podmorskim falom goni noc za noca dzien za dniem tak kazdej nocy budze sieMagdalena w rytmie samby smieje sie
Magdalena wzrokiem kusi mnie
Magdalena w rytmie samby tanczyc chce
Magdalena gdzie jest teraz gdziewciaz uwierzyc nie chce sam ze jej imie w sercu mam kazdej nocy moje sa usta jej tylko jedna taka znam przystan szczescia w duszy gra dla niej perly z glebin dam Magdalenaaaaa
Magdalena w rytmie samby smieje sie
Magdalena wzrokiem kusi mnie
Magdalena w rytmie samby tanczyc chce
Magdalena gdzie jest teraz gdzie
wciaz uwierzyc nie chce sam ze jej imie w sercu mam kazdej nocy moje sa usta jej tylko jedna taka znam przystan szczescia w duszy gra dla niej perly z glebin dam Magdalenaaaaa
Maria MagdalenaMen called you light so as to load you down,
And burden you with their own weight of sin,
A woman forced to cover and contain
Those seven devils sent by Everyman.
But one man set you free and took your part
One man knew and loved you to the core
The broken alabaster of your heart
Revealed to Him alone a hidden door,
Into a garden where the fountain sealed,
Could flow at last for him in healing tears,
Till, in another garden, he revealed
The perfect Love that cast out all your fears,
And quickened you with love’s own sway and swing,
As light and lovely as the news you bring.Malcolm Guite
I Thee Wed
She wasn’t taller than her doll-house.
She was still writing to Santa Claus.
Dark curly hair and wide open eyes
she piously kneeled piercing the skies.
She smiled to Heaven and silently said:
“With this heart I Thee wed!”.She blossomed slowly as a dark Rose,
her wild thorns brought bleeding to her many foes.
Her pale fingers played with rosaries and ink.
She kept watching the heaven without a blink.
She smiled to the blue Moon and silently said:
“With these eyes I Thee wed!”.Only once she met the dark Evening Star.
Her heart echoed its shine near and far.
She opened her bud, her thorns she killed,
with divine love the dark Rose was filled.
She smiled to Him and silently said:
“With this life and love I Thee wed!”.Maria Magdalena Biela
La multi ani, Tata!
Copyright © 2024 by Magdalena Biela. All rights reserved.