Kuutamourakka, 1981 / Moonlighting / Munca la negru

POSTED IN contemporary poetry March 9, 2025



Kuutamourakka, 1981 / Moonlighting / Munca la negru

Niin kauan kuin tämä jätemylly pyörii
minun alkemiani on tarpeen, etkö ymmärrä,
jotta vesi on vettä, viiniä viini.
Kun kerran olet kuut ja auringot,
anna niiden peilit, uskalla,
mitään ei ole ellet tahdo,
ne menevät sinussa sisäkkäin, se on tähti.
Siinä olet, kaltaisesi,
tuskaa et väistä, et etsi omaasi,
en minä lohduta sinua sillä.
Sinulle oli tuttua Solaris, Peili, Stalker;
ei ole samantekevää missä näet minut.
Älä sano hyvästi,
kuka on noussut meistä, kuolleista,
aamusta asti minä olen puhunut sinulle
ja mitä minä kirjoitan,
maailmanlopun jälkeistä runoutta,
se on jättänyt sinut, sinä olet jäänyt.

Mirkka Rekola


Moonlighting, 1981

As long as this waste grinder is spinning
my alchemy is necessary, don’t you understand,
so that water is water, wine wine.
Once you are moons and suns,
let their mirrors, dare,
there is nothing unless you want it,
they nest inside you, that is a star.
There you are, the likes of you,
you don’t avoid pain, you don’t seek your own,
I won’t comfort you with it.
You were familiar with Solaris, Mirror, Stalker;
it does not matter where you see me.
Don’t say goodbye,
who has risen from us, from the dead,
since morning I have spoken to you
and what I write,
post-apocalyptic poetry,
it has left you, you have remained.


Munca la negru

Atâta timp cât se-nvarte aceasta râșniță de gunoi
alchimia mea este necesară, nu înțelegi,
astfel încât apa este apă, vinul este vin.
Odată ce esti lunile și sorii,
dă-le oglinzile, îndrăznește,
nu există nimic decât dacă vrei tu,
fac cuib în tine, asta e o stea.
Iată, cei ca tine,
nu eviți durerea, nu-ti cauti seamanul,
Nu te voi mângâia cu asta.
Erai familiarizat cu Solaris, Mirror, Stalker;
nu contează unde mă vezi.
Nu spune adio,
care a înviat din noi, din morți,
vorbesc cu tine de dimineață.
si ce scriu,
poezie post-apocalip
te-a părăsit, tu ai ramas.

trans. M. M. Biela

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