Kohtaamispaikka vuosi, 1977 / Meeting point year / Anul punct de întâlnire
Minulla on iltoja, öitä
vanhasta muistista vielä
katselen veistosta, vuosisataista,
silmänpiirtoa myöten hymyä
ehkä ainoata.
Tulee mereltä, on ilmanhenki.
Minä tunnen sinut,
kun kuljet tuolla,
pään liikkeestä leuan
minä näen sinut oikealla silmällä
diadeemi otsalla.
Mihin minä panen tämän korun.
Sinulla on kultainen silaus,
minun päiväni ovat luetut, sinä loistat.
Sano kuka toinen sinut näin voi nähdä,
minun silmäni on kaukana unesta.Mirkka Rekola
Meeting point year
I still have evenings, nights
from old memories
I look at the sculpture, centuries old,
A smile from the corner of the eye
perhaps the only one.
Comes from the sea, is the spirit of the air.
I know you,
when you walk there,
From the movement of your head, from
the tilt of your chin
I see you with my right eye
diadem on the forehead.
Where I put this jewel.
You have a golden plating,
my days are numbered, you shine.
Tell me who else can see you like this,
My eyes are far from sleep.
………………….Anul punct de întâlnire
Am inca serile, nopțile
din vechi amintiri
Privesc sculptura, veche de secole,
Un zâmbet al ochilor
poate singurul.
dinspre mare, vine spirirul aerului.
Eu te cunosc,
când mergi acolo,
De la mișcarea capului, de la barbia
Te văd cu ochiul meu drept
diadema pe fruntea ta.
Unde pun această bijuterie.
Esti suflat cu aur,
Zilele mele sunt numărate, tu strălucești.
Spune-mi cine te mai poate vedea așa,
Ochii mei sunt departe de somn.trans. M. M. Biela
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