My Gran had a Time machine

POSTED IN contemporary poetry June 26, 2013












My Gran had a Time machine

My Gran had a time machine
There’s no other explanation.
She had no CCTV screen
or snitches to grass me in,
from friends or neighbours looking
behind twitching curtains, unseen.
But she always knew what I had done
when I was naughty, bad or cursed,
or played cards on the Sabbath day
or stole or spat or worse.
No lie detector tests for her-
just those burning eyes
that looked deep down inside you.
and saw right through your lies.
She was always an old lady so
no point of view of a kid.
no secret mirrors or x-ray specs
or invisibility cloak where she hid.
She wasn’t psychic or a 7th daughter
Of a 7th daughter, it would seem
There’s no other explanation.
My Gran had a time machine



  John Black


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