And your eyes…

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 24, 2013









And your eyes…

And your eyes
From your photograph
look into me
I imagine them two brown caverns
beckoning me to fall into the embrace
of your visions
Those eyes caress like two hands
and stare through me
in me
they are x-rays cameras
that seek my soul
showing all the bones and guts of my being
they reflect your inner light
they are spears
and heartbeat detectors
magic lanterns
I beg them to lie to me
To lie and say they are for me alone
That they will never see as much
in any other life
as I would let you see into the place
where my demons reside
those brown eyes command the truth
command love
speak without mouths
break my heart and mend it
They should be kissed
and treasured
and touched by breath of angels
if I am lost
find me in your eyes
take me to heaven
with your memories
to the birth place of your eyes
or cast me down
and damn me with your anger
murder me with such eyes
and I die enraptured
with saintly visions that issue
from your eyes
I will ever be scarred
in my chest, that place
where your eyes pierced me
and resurrected me.



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