When The Beloved Speaks

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 29, 2013











When The Beloved Speaks

When The Beloved Speaks
through the fire
in your stopped mind
sift the ashes
the mental lava
spill the eruption out
let it go
now go beyond when/where
your mind stopped
Now it can be taken
the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
there is nothing to do
just listen…be attentive
live in the moment
live in your heart
breathe more deeply
just breathe
purify your mind on that altar
which is your heart
Then answer the beckoning
of the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
there is nothing
but the experience of Love
it is nothing
but overwhelming flow
into, through and out
of your heart
its wondrous beneficence
flowing all about you
To you from you
on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
who also is the Love
who also is the Lover
what is left
when you know there is no
reality but the One Reality
there is no god but the One God
When you are
on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
where are you going now?
no place to go, nothing to do
and no place to hide…just be
finally…Who You are!
flow into and with the Spirit
gather your possessions
return them to whomever
stolen or borrowed
or assimilated from
willingly, unwillingly
it’s not you…they are not yours
Let them go on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
you know it is time to go Home
as at the Ocean’s edge
you know its song
you taste that salty tear
knowing yours is welcome
to mingle in that vastness
is one with that vastness.
You are drawn to that
damp breast, called
Back to The Oneness
on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
a breath intoned on the breeze
joins you to the harmonies
of the Hu…in joyful song play
skying toward oneness
once again being called Home
with every whispered nuance
striking the ear drum…as if it were a bell
whose tones are sent
ringing through your body’s bones
Through the temple of your being
on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
comes the flame of resurrection
from the ashes of one’s personality
spiraling up toward the Father
toward the Universal Oneness
joining the choruses of that paean
that has been sung through the ages
flung out across the outer vastness
that is not near so vast
As one’s inner being
on the Path of the Heart

When The Beloved Speaks
there is none of self
there is but the nugget
at the center, the nugget
shining there in your heart
and you know now how it can dance
and you know now how to dance
why one dances, when one dances
that all beings dance
that you are a living participant in
“The only dance that there is!”
on the Path of the Heart




Qutbuddin Loren Ruh Smith

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