Ghetto Glitter

POSTED IN contemporary poetry July 29, 2013












Ghetto Glitter.

In the city night daubs neon shimmers
on inky water, in nature night’s silver queen
gifts incandescence to streams and rivers
arc’s above seven seas, clear and serene.

Selene trancends time in the eternal now;
no one man can lift the black velvet cloak
of night, where moonlight mirrors to somehow
gift the truth in reflection. Self spoke

and sifted through cobwebs of chaos to find
demons puffed up with pride and arrogance.
Disguised as beautiful creatures in my mind
their light fingers dipped into life’s dance

and devoured everything. I walk on, alone,
through twilight zone, empty, devoid of pride,
shamed by admission, heart plummets like stone
self-esteem now at it’s lowest ebb-tide.

a lantern glow enters soul on hope’s wings
moccasins tread softly around darkness shown.
Overcome by the maternal wisdom in all things
a soul new-born, prepares to learn and grow.    


Gael Bage

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