Footprints in the Sky

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 14, 2013

Footprints in the Sky










Footprints in the Sky

Come. Join the dance of sacred .synchronicity
Open a window on fantasy to see what might
become our reality. Watch mind turn it’s key
in the lock of heart to fill with loves light

Intuitive remembering is a conduit that pours
a quart into a scant pint pot. Insight oozes
from the ether, drops crumbs of beebread to feed
our minds. Small jewels catch my eye – touch

down on paper as ku. Poems bloom in wild places,
float down from snowflake laden skies; they arise
from the hot ashes of life: bleed from sorrow,
dance in fantasia, or fly on a jackdaw’s wing.

I conjure visions from the warmth of summer nights
and see treasure in things I have no need to own.
I pen your highest dreams, toss them to far reaches
of the universe, to start your search in shadows

I inhale the miracle of life and exhale poems
a breath of empathy for all that is – and is not
I close my eyes and when I open them you stand
before me – you are a lantern of love in flower.





Gael Bage

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