Unconditional Love

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 16, 2013











Unconditional Love

Like walking a tightrope, I strive
for a balanced view of life’s ride
But balance is not considered normal
most people come down either side

Lemmings – we rush to take sides
do battle in wars that no one can win
the conscientious objectors are denied
held, on short rations, as if in sin

If we choose to love inclusively
look at truth, walk in another’s shoes
we will be shunned, others fail to see,
judging what shows, expect their dues

Often the abuser, was first abused
Oh yes, his victim needs love and care
but a cycle of abuser, using and used
renews if in judging – we fail to share

the pain of the child in the perpetrator
he also suffered and endured. Perhaps
he never knew normal but daily torture
played with as a sexual toy. Slapped

and intimidated, he learns to comply
until by and by, it seems quite normal
a way of life, why change? Why try ?
Condemned – no one hears his child call.

It seems it’s compulsory to take sides
after divorce some side with the husbands
others firmly on the side of the brides
sometimes children are expected to stand

with Mum or Dad. Is it not cruel to ask
a child to divide love in two and choose ?
When friends fall out, fight and shout,
try to keep all as friends and you lose

for they think you side with the enemy
in truth – I see each One’s humanity.





Gael Bage

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