Pearls of Wisdom

POSTED IN contemporary poetry August 24, 2013












Pearls of Wisdom


By the pearls of wisdom that passed down to us,

we wear a shared strand of sensibility

that transcends our cultures and placement in time,

uniting our womanhood bond.


Experience teaches us to be the wiser

regarding our choices and priorities.

Whether near or far, home is where the heart is,

and family always comes first.


Through thick and thin we will persevere,

and we forever find the silver lining.

There are no regrets, only sweet reveries,

and schemes of dreams to be fulfilled.


The vistas invite us like open doors,

for new adventures are out there, waiting.

Embracing each moment of friendship with you

is grounded in life-lasting love.





Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi

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