Crafted in Love’s Forest

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 23, 2013













Crafted in Love’s Forest

Strength and beauty lie naked, urgency
of bodies share in ancient whispers
of understanding. Together they create
notions of love to flow in the void.

They touch peace, each one a desired
being, is crafted from a lifetime’s
tenderness and discovery. The divine’s
reflection on the canvas of their skin.

Animated and yet art-like, they share
that which is universal, yet remain
as one. Each unique, in a secret place
taste life’s incomparable mystery

of soul. Each one plays the other like
like a stradivarius. Hot lips sear lips,
weave meridians of fire, ruby and gold
flames leap higher, explode a supernova,

heavenly bodies fall into a lake of bliss. 





Gael Bage

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