The Wedding Photo

POSTED IN Stories January 25, 2014


















The Wedding Photo

They stood there smiling in black and white
holding their fingers tender and tight.
They knew the secrets of a past tense heart
they knew of a future “till death do us part”.

They tell a story that starts with “I do!”.
They dream of a lifetime witnessed by two.
They hold their crowns as King and his Queen
They know not that marriage is simply a scene.

She hopes to be mother and blessed to be.
He hopes to write poems and countries to see.
She loves to become a woman at last.
He loves her in the future, present and past.

They both look so happy and deeply in love.
They both dream of marriage as life in a grove.
They both do not know the “I do” aftermath
for they both envisioned a different path.




Maria Magdalena Biela

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