Trei lacrimi reci de calatoare / Three cold tears of a traveller

POSTED IN translated Romanian-English June 25, 2015

la revedere












Trei lacrimi reci de calatoare
Si-ai sa ma uiti –
Ca prea departe
Si prea pentru mult timp pornesti!
Si-am sa te uit –
Ca si uitarea e scrisa-n legile-omenesti.

Cu ochii urmari-vei tarmul, topindu-se ca noru-n zare,
Si ochii-ti lacrima-vor poate
Trei lacrimi reci de calatoare ;
Iar eu pe tarm
Mâhnit privi-voi vaporu-n repedele-i mers,
Si-ntelegând ca mi-esti pierduta,
Te-oi plânge-n ritmul unui vers.

Si versul meu
L-o duce poate vreun cântaret pâna la tine,
Iar tu –
Cântându-l ca si dânsul,
Plângându-l, poate, ca si mine –
Te vei gândi la adorata în cinstea careia fu scris,
Si-uitând ca m-ai uitat,
Vei smulge din cadrul palidului vis
Întunecatu-mi chip,
Ca-n ziua când te-afunda vaporu-n zare
Si când din ochi lasai sa-ti pice
Trei lacrimi reci de calatoare!



Three cold tears of a traveller
And you’ll forget me,
since for too far
and for too long you’re going to go,
and I’ll forget you,
since forgetting
is written in the human law.

Your eyes will follow how the harbour is melting like on heaven shore
and your eyes will be crying maybe
three cold tears of a traveller.
And I, at shore,
sad will be watching how the boat sails fast on its course
and understanding that I lost you
I’ll cry for you a rhythmic verse.

And my verse
will be found and given to you perhaps by other bard
And you
will join with him in singing,
with me, in crying in your heart
You’ll try to guess who was the loved one for whom was written the poem
Forgetting you forgot,
you’ll tear out my shadowed face from the pale dream
My shadowed face,
like in the moment the boat departed from the shore
and when your eyes were crying maybe
three cold tears of a traveller.


Maria Magdalena Biela

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