Prieteni de-o viata / Lifetime friends

POSTED IN contemporary poetry September 14, 2015













Prieteni de-o viata / Lifetime friends


Moarte, te văd mereu sucita.

Te înţeleg, ţi-e greu, esti prea trudita.

Ia-ţi o vacanta, pleacă la mare,

Munca-ti e grea, e-obositoare.


Hai la un croissant si o cafea,

Vino far’ de coasa, mai uita de ea!

Ia-ţi o ţinută mai tinerească,

Lasă copiii să te indrageasca.


Ce Dumnezeu, parc-ai fost blestemată

Să tot alergi din soartă-n soartă.

De vii pe la mine, eu te-oi omeni,

Am vinuri bune, oare ce-i pofti?


Te astept sa vii la ceas de seară,

S-o facem lată, pe prispă afară.

Ti-oi face-o cafea amara, turcească,

cu un trabuc, să te mai răcorească.


De vii la mine, ne tocmim de-acum,

Iţi bei cafeaua şi iti vezi de drum.

Facem un targ: iti ghicesc in cafea,

Iara tu te prefaci a ma uita.


De-o viaţă întreagă mă tot trudesc

Cum să fac oare să te talmacesc?

Poate in ceasca-ti ma vad stingher.

Ce ganduri ai cu mine, ma chére?


Te cunosc, Moarte, de cand m-am nascut,

Am mers mana-n mana de la inceput.

Am privit in doi spre acelasi Cer bland

Tu stiind raspunsuri, eu neintreband.


Imbatrinaram, trebaluind.

Eu cu traitul, tu tot cosind.

Ramas-am singuri: tu si eu, in zenit,

Si-o cafea neagra pentru cetit.





Lifetime friends


Death dear, I see you are always sad

I understand you’re old and things got bad.

Take a vacation, go and see the Sea,

Your work is demanding, tiring, I agree.


Would you like a coffee and a baguette?

Come and, please, about your scythe forget!

Take a more youthful outfit, my dear,

Let children learn to love you more than fear.


Why in Heaven were you damned with hate

To run back and forth from fate to fate?

When you’ll come to me I’ll welcome you,

Tasty wines I have, for your review.


I’ll be waiting for you by twilight,

To go crazy on the porch outside.

I’ll make you a Turkish coffee thrill

And a good cigar to help you chill.


So, if you come, shall we bargain now:

Drink your coffee and I’ll tell you: Ciao!

Let’s agree now: I will read your coffee

And you will pretend to forget of me!


My whole life I tried and tried again

How to understand your loss and gain?

Maybe in your cup I’ll see, right there,

What on Earth you think of me, ma chére?


I know you, Death, since my day of birth.

We walked ever since hand in hand this Earth.

We both looked towards the same kind Heaven,

You knowing all answers, me not asking even.


We became older in work being caught.

I with the living, you mowing the lot.

And now, alone, you and I have a date,

And a black coffee to read the Fate.



Maria Magdalena Biela


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