Anno Domini 1

POSTED IN contemporary poetry January 17, 2019































Anno Domine 1


So, to sum up, today I WAS BORN! Do you hear me , LIFE???? I WAS BORN, and this is the greatest miracle ever! I thank to my students who are grown ups , have kids and every January the 17th, after Eminescu, they think: “heeeei, Nastase was born today, she always deleted our absences, come on!!!” 🙂, and they wish me well…Love you, KIDS!!! I am also happy when my students here, who are no more immigrants, nor students of mine, but Finnish people integrated into Finnish society, remember me today and send me a card, a message, some flowers, and always they also wish me well! I am a proud teacher (mother, sister, friend, as they wish to think of me! 🙂!)…
I am always happy on my birthday! I am blessed to witness once more this amazing miracle called LIFE and this is all I need!!! I love Life!!! I love my birthday! I don’t like cakes, sweets, fats, I can’t drink alcohol, yet I know that today all the stars shiver FOR ME!!



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