La mia fiamma / My flame

POSTED IN classic poetry, translated Italian-English March 25, 2019












La mia fiamma / My flame


La mia fiamma,

che niun aspro vento ha mai domata,

ancora guizza e lotta

che morte non già la trovi spenta,

accesa vuole

migrare in altra terra di sorpresa,

pendula oscillante nell’etere,

là donde venne, patria chiara,

e forse saperne il nome.



Sibilla Aleramo
My flame

My flame,
that no harsh wind has ever tamed,
still flicker and fight
so death doesn’t already find it turned off,
turned on wants
to migrate to another land by surprise
pendulum oscillating in the ether
whence it came, clear homeland
and perhaps learn the name.


Maria Magdalena

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