Jag / I / Eu

POSTED IN classic poetry May 17, 2019











Jag / I / Eu

Jag är främmande i detta land,
som ligger djupt under det tryckande havet,
solen blickar in med ringlande strålar
och luften flyter mellan mina händer.
Man sade mig att jag är född i fångenskap –
här är intet ansikte som vore mig bekant.
Var jag en sten, den man kastat hit på bottnen?
Var jag en frukt, som var för tung för sin gren?
Här ligger jag på lur vid det susande trädets fot,
hur skall jag komma upp för de hala stammarna?
Däruppe mötas de raglande kronorna,
där vill jag sitta och speja ut
efter röken ur mitt hemlands skorstenar…



I am foreign to this country,
which lies deep beneath the oppressive sea,
the sun glances in with swirling rays
and the air flows between my hands.
They told me I was born in captivity –
here is no face that would be familiar to me.
Was I a stone, one which was thrown here to the bottom?
Was I a fruit that was too heavy for its branch?
Here I am lying in wait at the foot of the booming tree,
how could I get up along the slippery trunk?
There, above, the rattling crowns meet,
there I want to sit and keep an eye on
the smoke from my country’s chimneys …

Sunt straina in asta tara
ce se intinde adanc sub marea apasatoare,
soarele priveste cu raze rasucite
si aerul curge printre mainile mele.
Mi-au spus c-am fost nascuta in captivitate –
aici nu-i nici o fata care mi-ar fi familiara.
Fost-am o piatra ce fu aruncata aici, in afund?
Fost-am un fruct prea greu pentru creanga-i?
Aici stau culcata asteptand la radacina copacului inflorind,
cum as putea urca de-a lungul trunchiului lunecos?
Acolo sus coroanele vociferand se intalnesc,
acolo as vrea sa stau si sa veghez
asupra fumului din hornurile tarii mele.


Maria Magdalena

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